It's all about the written word...

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Monday, February 6, 2012

The loss of the written word?

Several friends brought this to my attention over the weekend. It's from the February 3 edition of the BBC News magazine online. It's entitled, "A Point of View: Mourning the loss of the written word."  It's a wonderful piece of writing and expresses some sentiments I believe we share, as well as some excellent points to ponder. It focuses on the letters and opinions of Virginia Woolf, and referring to Woolf's missives, the BBC author ends with the following: "Today's electronic forms of communication may lack that emotional depth but they do enable us to connect more speedily and efficiently than I at least could manage with pen and ink. Still, when we take advantage of them, we ought always to heed Woolf's warning, never to write carelessly. And, if we can, at least count to 10, and read over what we have written, before we press "send."

Image courtesy of Simon Howden.

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